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1999 Ausdemore Classic | ![]() |
The Start of the Day
The day was a nice Nebraska day at the FoxRun Golf Course in Yankton, SD. It was kinda breezy and not the really, really hot temperatures of the previous days. Perfect day to golf. Nobody knew who they were golfing with this year - the organizers had decided to surprise everyone. Everyone was just told to meet at the golf course at 8:30 am. (This way everyone is actually on time for once!!) Most people enjoyed a nice little breakfast - the sweet rolls were awesome with a touch of a wine cooler or beer. What better way to start the day - than with a healthy breakfast. Lori then made the announcement for everyone to go outside and find their names on the cart. The golf cart were all lined up ready to go and contained a few well liked items, your partners name, personalized score card, and an Ausdemore Classic Koozie for your beer! On this score card you had to keep track of each other?s score, plus the number of times in the water and the sand for yourself. The Koozie was green with a picture of the logo in yellow.
The teams were as follows:
Marilyn & Lori | |
Daryl & Traci | Denise & Norman |
Charlie & Janie | Jeff & Patti |
Jim & Connie | Bob & Terri |
Christi & Larry | Judy & Doug |
Anne & Dennis | Steve & Brenda |
Todd & Suzi | Angel & Lynn |
Golfing is what you call it!
The 1st tee off was at 9:00. Talk about the pressure that was mounting for the first group to tee off, they had a gallery of all their family members to sit and watch. Of course everyone followed the golf etiquette rules of nobody talking and being quiet for the 1st shot!! ( If you believe this you have not been to enough opens!!!).
Everyone played their round of golf - there was only a few mishaps , like a snake on one of the greens, (Had I seen it - I am sure that I would have just taken a 2 putt for that one!), no beverage cart, and my ball liked to go swimming! There was also this instance of Lynn wanting to make the cover of Sports Illustrated by being like the soccer women. On the 9th green after another successful putt she pulled off her shirt in victory and ran around in her sports bra!!! Poor Jeff. He just shook his very red face and put his head down. (I think in the end Lynn was as red as her hair as well!!! ) Definitely made for an exciting conclusion though!
During this time, Randy, Ronnie, & Sam stayed at a Daryl and Denise's and played a variety games with their male baby sitter. Randy informed me that they probably had more fun because they could run around more. He also gave me the low down on a game of golf that he played with the other two - but of course he was the winner!
Party Time!
Afterwards, we all headed to the lake to enjoy a great picnic. Flavia, Randy, Ronnie, Sam, and Halsie now joined us and all were in the party mood. We ended up at a pavilion right near a volleyball court. The menu consisted of steaks, the famous potato salad, frog eye?s salad, ho ho's, ding dongs, and pork&beans. Delicious. Charlie assisted in cooking the steaks and then the women took over and actually let him eat. Charlie was definitely one of the more loved husbands that day, but you will have to ask the other ones for the story.
Now was the time for the award ceremony and giving of the gifts. Everyone received an Ausdemore Open T-shirt and another Koozie. The T-shirts were white with a picture of the emblem. The gag gifts were next. During the round, the organizers had kept track of various little things. Here is the list and just imagine how much fun was had passing them out!!
Winners of the 1999 Ausdemore Open ---- Jeff Johnson and Patti Thomson. (They say that Jeff kinda slacked this year and had to use almost all of Patti's Balls. Hopefully next year he will practice just a bit more!)
People who got in the most hits for their money (Super Swinger) Charlie Guenther and Janie Ausdemore (They looked as if they were having so much fun, did it really matter??)
Lynn and Angel played the best poker hand on a score card earning them a deck of cards!
Charlie also won an award for cleanest balls!! He has a ritual that seems to help him out. This won him a box of goldfish since he liked to play in the water so much!
Judy was a little slow on the golf course this year and I believe that her nickname was the gimp. (My guess given by Marilyn). In turn she won a bag of gummy worms for being the slowest player. ... although this was a very close tie for Norman.
Speaking of slow players - Denise won a little hand held game for playing with Norman. That was to give her something to do when waiting for him to take his shots!!
A box of HoHos was given to the person who looked most like Santa - in this case, the person with the most red on. Daryl was found sporting his favorite team Nebraska and one this hands down. Daryl was also stylish in the short department by winning Male with the shortest short - thus earning him a pack of ??????.
Meanwhile, (poor Daryl), Denise was trying to pick up Norman by those two winning best looking couple. They were matching from their white shoes, white socks, black short, white tops, and NO hats. (Or so mom and Lori thought. Turns out that Norman's shorts were blue. Think someone enjoyed the clubhouse part of the day a bit too much!) They were awarded a set of Chocolate Golf Balls. A close second was Doug and Judy --- but one of them was wearing a hat, better luck next year!
The always time conscientious Jim and Janie (weren't they late for a wedding though??? - oh that's right, they were the early ones!!) received T-shirts (Will golf for anything) for being the 1st ones there - or should I say the ones on time!
On the other end of the spectrum, Connie won a box of caffeine candies in an effort to wake her up better for being late to the tournament. Of course, is there ever anyone really late to an Ausdemore function?
Terri meanwhile was trying to pick up men in Chris' absence by wearing the shortest shorts by a female and earning a pack of the candy - teenies!
There is a couple debate brewing - while Traci earned a pack of sweet tarts for having the sweetest putt, her poor hubby Larry won a shovel and bucket for being Mr. Sandman. Poor guy was in the sand 3 times that day. Guess Traci will have to give him the lessons next year.
Dennis was right there with his golfing brother by earning the candy bar Snickers for the most snickers while trying to hit it off the 1st tee. Can we say ... almost made it to the ladies' tee. (but they were really, really far away ....)
Doug was also in the pack with the wildest shot and that earned him a box of animal crackers for trying to play in the woods instead of with us!! Apparently he hit a horizontal shot off the tee that went right off the barb wire fence. He then got mad and threw his club (never seen Doug mad, so doubt this happened). The golf club ended up over the fence. In order to salvage the situation and be the man he is, he decides to jump the fence. RIP. The barb wire tore his shorts. Poor guys. Hopefully the crackers made up for it!
Breaking the Guenther streak, Jeff with a big grin on his face having recovered from Lynn?s victory dance won a bag of chocolate chips for having the best chip onto the 9th green. (hopefully that was him - Mom and Lori weren't hitting the bottle again!!)
Patti can be seen at Medical School munching down on her box of Air Crisps. She was said to catch a lot of air on some of her shots (a.k.a. - whiff the ball). Apparently the ones she connected with went far enough to win the trophy.
Lynn was proudly displaying her new birthday golf bag and won best looking bag!! She now has a bright bow to let everyone else know as well!!!
Speaking of pretty things, Steve won for prettiest shoes. I guess in the banking world and the Ausdemore World - the right clothes will make a difference!
Christi meanwhile is trying to look like her boyfriend, rob-rob-billy-joe-bob. (yes that is one name, ask Daryl!) She won a bottle of Gatorade for having the most muscles showing! (I think she was just out there with Terri trying to pick up a few more men!!)
We then had the hair contest. Brenda won hands down for having the most hair and thus earned her a box of hair bands, however the one with the least hair one a bag of M & M's. Any takers on the winner - Bob!! Doug rest assured us that he would try and make it into the category next year!
One of the best sports of the day was Todd. Of course, no one harassed him or gave him a hard time. We just awarded him the prize for the Ausdemore Wannabe!! A set of rings (dum dum da dum .. version of wedding marching here) make that lollipop rings!
Randy, Ronnie, and Sam were all awarded little Steeler footballs so they would learn a real sport and not golf!
I know that Anne received something, but can not for the life of me remember, so until then she is named one of my favorite Aunts!! (If I forgot any other gifts, please let me know!!)
Cool Down
After the picnic, we all proceeded to play a rounding game of sand volleyball. Charlie took Halsie for a ride on the bike and she conked out. (Later in the week I saw Charlie do the same thing with Ronnie. - Does this say something about Charlie?) A wiffle ball game was played with Randy, Sam, Anne, Judy, Denise, and Marilyn. Those boys can really hit that ball!!! I proceeded to just run around with Ronnie, (and run and run and run). Afterwards Denise took him for a bike ride and he was out like a light as well. Is it the bike or the company. I guess we will have to figure that out next year!
We all headed back to Bob and Angel's camp site to relax and share stories of the day. Once again, the Open was the great tradition of family fun.